
Meditation with a 6-Year-Old

In lieu of a bedtime story, I somehow managed to “trick” my 6-year-old daughter to meditate before sleeping. It was a short but meaningful exercise on non-attachment that any parent could do with their tiny tots before tucking them in. Read our conversation below.

Evanna: Story time!

Me: Okay, I have something better. Close your eyes and listen to what I say. Take a deep breath in and out. And then breathe again.

Evanna: Okay…?

Me: Now think about your favorite color and your favorite thing in the world.

Evanna: Oooh purple… and lipstick!

Me: Oh purple lipstick? Now think about how you would look like wearing purple lipstick. Do you like it? Does it make you happy?

Evanna: Yes.

Me: Now think about what you look like without that purple lipstick.

Evanna: I look even better!!!

Me: So you feel okay even when the purple lipstick is gone?

Evanna: Yeah!

Me: Good! Now, think about your favorite toy in the world.

Evanna: Barbie dolls!!!

Me: Imagine that you’re playing with you favorite Barbie dolls. Does it make you happy?

Evanna: Super happy!!!

Me: Now, mommy wants you to put away your Barbie dolls in their safe box because playtime is over. Can you imagine putting your Barbie dolls away?

Evanna: Okay, mommy.

Me: How do you feel?

Evanna: I’m still okay.

Me: Do you still feel happy?

Evanna: Yes, mommy.

Me: Good! That’s because your happiness doesn’t come from your favorite things or toys. Your happiness comes from inside. Remember your inside weather?

Evanna: Yes! Sunshine and rainbows!!!

Me: Yes, sunshine and rainbows! Your happiness will always come from inside. Don’t ever forget that. Goodnight, baby.

Evanna: Goodnight, mommy.

“Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate.”
– Anonymous

Definition of meditate

(Source: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/meditate)

meditated; meditating

1: to engage in contemplation or reflection 

  • He meditated long and hard before announcing his decision.
2: to engage in mental exercise (such as concentration on one’s breathing or repetition of a mantra) for the purpose of reaching a heightened level of spiritual awareness

1: to focus one’s thoughts on : reflect on or ponder over 

  • He was meditating his past achievements.

2: to plan or project in the mind : intend, purpose 

  • He was meditating revenge

Practice meditation with our vibrant yoga community at Bodhi Yoga Center. We have daily classes from Monday to Friday at 5:30 PM. See you for practice! <3


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